Medical Bios
Jonathan Gorman MS, LAT, ATC
Head Athletic Trainer
Office: 201-327-8003 ext. 115
Jonathan started working with the Ironmen in September 2019. He is a former professional athlete competing in inline and ice speed skating since he was 5. He qualified for two Olympic Trials and has won many national and international competitions. After his athletic career was over, he devoted himself to helping athletes in any way possible. He decided to become an Athletic Trainer where he graduated from Montclair State University with a Bachelors in Athletic Training. Jonathan obtained his Master’s Degree from Pennsylvania Western University in Exercise Science & Health Promotion with a concentration in Sports Psychology in 2022. He has held numerous positions to become a well rounded healthcare practitioner. He worked for JAG-Physical Therapy, an orthopedic surgeon, Caldwell University (DII), and an Internship with the New York Football Giants.
Jonathan currently lives in Clifton, NJ with his wife Kasteny and his dog, Tucker. In his free time, he likes to hike, workout, read books, and go ballroom dancing.
Michael DiGangi MSAT, LAT, ATC
Assistant Athletic Trainer
Don Bosco Prep Heat Acclimatization Policy
The Athletic Trainer is responsible for monitoring,
preventing, and treating heat illnesses. Outside temperature is the key
contributing factor in heat illness. Wet-bulb globe temperature (WBGT) readings
are used to monitor the temperature on the fields. However, there are also
other variables that contribute to heat illness, including hydration,
nutrition, and sleep duration/quality.
Don Bosco Prep has established a plan of action for instances when an athlete begins to show signs of heat illness. Below are the guidelines that coaches and athletes must follow:
Taken from: National
Athletic Trainer’s Association Position Statement: Exertional Heat Illness
Guidelines for Hydration and Rest Breaks
Rest time should involve both unlimited hydration intake (water or electrolyte drinks) and rest without any activity involved.
For football, helmets should be removed during the rest time.
The site of the rest time should be a “cooling zone” and not in direct sunlight.
When the WBGT reading is greater than 86 F (30.8 C):
Ice towels and/or spray bottles filled with ice water should be available at the “cooling zone” to aid the cooling process.
Cold-immersion tubs must be available for practices for the benefit of any player showing early signs of heat illness.
Don Bosco Prep Lightning Policy
Supported by the NJSIAA
Termination, or temporary suspension, must always take place when an electrical storm is imminent. The decision to terminate or suspend a game/meet/event when an electrical storm is imminent may be made by either the host school or the official. When one contest is suspended on a site due to thunder being heard and/or lightning being observed, all contests/activities on that site must be suspended.
Coaches, athletic trainers, athletes and administrators must be educated regarding the signs indicating thunderstorm development. Since the average distance between successive lightning flashes is approximately 2-3 miles, any time that lightning can be seen, or thunder heard, the risk is already present.
Weather can be monitored using the following methods:
- Monitor Weather Patterns - Be aware of potential thunderstorms by monitoring local weather forecasts the day before and morning of the practice or competition, and by scanning the sky for signs of potential thunderstorm activity.
- National Weather Service (NWS) - Weather can also be monitored using small, portable weather radios from the NWS. The NWS uses a system of severe storm watches and warnings. A watch indicates conditions are favorable for severe weather to develop in an area; a warning indicates severe weather has been reported in an area and for everyone to take proper precautions.
- When a lightning flash is observed or thunder is heard all personnel, athletes, and spectators must evacuate to available safe structures or shelters. A list of the closest safe structures must be announced and displayed on placards at all athletic venues.
- The person in authority must be aware of the amount of time it takes to get to each structure and the number of persons each structure can safely hold. For large events, time needed for evacuation is increased and there must be a method (i.e., announcement over loudspeaker) for communicating the need for evacuation and directing both athletes and spectators to the appropriate safe shelters.
- Safe Structures: The most ideal structure is a fully enclosed, substantial building with plumbing, electrical wiring and telephone service, which aids in grounding the structure. A fully enclosed automobile with a hard metal roof and rolled up windows is also a reasonable choice. School buses are an excellent lightning shelter that can be utilized for large groups of people. However, it is important to avoid contact with any metal while inside the vehicle.
- Avoid using shower facilities for safe shelter and do not use showers or plumbing facilities during a thunderstorm as the current from a local lightning strike can enter the building via the plumbing pipelines or electrical connections. It is also considered unsafe to stand near utilities, use corded telephones or headsets during a thunderstorm, due to the danger of electrical current traveling through the telephone line. Cellular and cordless telephones are considered reasonably safe and can be used to summon help during a thunderstorm.
When caught in a thunderstorm without availability or time to reach safe structures, you can minimize the risk of lightning-related injury by following a few basic guidelines:
- Avoid being the highest object. Seek a thick grove of small trees or bushes surrounded by taller trees or a dry ditch.
- Avoid contact with anything that would be attractive to lightning. Stay away from free-standing trees, poles, antennas, towers, bleachers, baseball dugouts, metal fences, standing pools of water and golf carts.
- Crouch down with legs together, the weight on the balls of the feet, arms wrapped around knees, and head down with ears covered.
Criteria for Resumption of Activity - Thirty-Minute Rule
Once suspended, activities may not resume until a minimum of 30 minutes have passed since the last flash of lightning is witnessed or thunder is heard. This will allow enough time for the storm to move away from the area and will significantly reduce the risk of local lightning flashes.
Don Bosco Prep Return to Play Policy (Non-concussion)
Many different types of injuries, with a wide range of severity, occur during competition. For minor injuries, the athletic trainer or the school nurse may provide temporary accommodations. Examples of temporary accommodations for minor injuries may include:
Unable to write or type due to sprained wrist
Needs extra time to get to/from class due to sprained ankle or pulled muscle
If the Athletic Trainer recommends that an athlete visit a medical professional or specialist the athlete’s parent/guardian must schedule an appointment within a week. The athlete must provide a doctor's note to the Athletic Trainer before he will be approved for a return to play. The note must list any extended accommodations and the length of time the accommodations should be in place. The Athletic Trainer will provide a copy of the doctor’s note to the School Nurse.
The Athletic Trainer will notify the athlete’s coaches of any sports-related activity accommodations listed in the doctor’s note. Examples of sports-related accommodations may include:
Refrain from all contact drills
Refrain from running activities
The School Nurse will inform School Administrators, including the Vice President of Academics, of any learning accommodations listed in the doctor’s note. School Administrators and/or School Nurse will inform the athlete’s teachers of any approved learning accommodations. Examples of learning accommodations may include:
Unable to take tests/exams
Unable to write or type due to cast or sling
Unable to walk without the assistance of crutches or a walking boot
Unable to attend school due to injury or illness
All accommodations listed in the doctor’s note must have end dates. Unless otherwise noted on the original physician’s note, if the athlete is still experiencing symptoms at the end of the modification or accommodation periods listed in the doctor’s note then the athlete must follow up with their doctor and obtain a new doctor note.
All prescriptions for medications that must be taken on school grounds require a doctor’s order to be provided to the School Nurse. The medications must be stored in the School Nurse’s Office and kept in their original containers.
All players with injuries will be given a rehabilitation program by the Athletic Trainer in order to aid in the athlete’s recovery. If the recommendation is not followed, it will impact the ability for the athlete to play in the next game or attend practices. It is not the intent of the Athletic Trainer to withhold an athlete for a prolonged period of time. Every attempt will be made to return the athlete to play as soon as possible but the athlete’s safety is the priority.
Return to Play Decision
All coaches will follow the Athletic Trainer’s recommendation on return to play eligibility. Any disagreements or concerns with the Athletic Trainer’s recommendation may be brought to the attention of the Athletic Director.
The Athletic Director and Athletic Trainer will make the final decision on return to play eligibility of the athlete. If they do not believe the athlete is ready to return to play the athlete will not be allowed to do so. This is to prevent further severity of the injury and allow for better recovery.
Don Bosco Prep Concussion Policy
- A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury—or TBI—caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or by a hit to the body that causes the head and brain to move rapidly back and forth. This sudden movement can cause the brain to bounce around or twist in the skull, creating chemical changes in the brain and sometimes stretching and damaging brain cells(CDC)
Recovery from a concussion is not necessarily based on the severity of the concussion. Each athlete has his own symptoms that can affect the duration and recovery. Even a minor concussion can last weeks to months if not monitored correctly. ( National Athletic Trainer’s Association)
Don Bosco Prep takes all concussions seriously, minor or severe. It is expected that all coaches, parents, athletes, and teammates will report any concussion, concussion-like symptoms, and/or a blow to the head or neck area (no matter the severity) to the Athletic Trainer immediately. Even a minor contact hit can cause a concussion.
All athletes will be examined by the Athletic Trainer using the SCAT 3 examination tool. If the Athletic Trainer determines that the athlete has a concussion, the athlete will be required to follow up with a doctor for further evaluation. There are no exceptions to this requirement.
The athlete must provide to the Athletic Trainer a note from his doctor listing all activity modifications and learning accommodations. If the note does not include BOTH activity modifications AND learning accommodations the athlete will be asked to return to their doctor - it is not the responsibility of the Athletic Trainer or the School Nurse to make these decisions.
The Athletic Trainer will provide a copy of the doctor’s note to School Administrators and the School Nurse. The Athletic Trainer will notify the athlete’s coaches of any activity modifications. The School Nurse will inform the athlete’s teachers of any learning accommodations. Examples of learning accommodations for concussion may include:
Unable to attend school
Unable to work on a computer
Unable to take exams
All activity modifications and learning accommodations listed in the doctor’s note must have end dates. Unless otherwise noted on the original physician’s note, if the athlete is still experiencing symptoms at the end of the modification or accommodation periods listed in the doctor’s note then the athlete must follow up with their doctor and obtain a new doctor note.
Regardless of a physician’s note, all concussions lasting longer than 3 weeks must see a concussion specialist. A concussion specialist can recommend further support and guidance on recovery.
Athletes are expected to check in with the Athletic Trainer daily following a concussion diagnosis. The athlete will fill out paperwork to track the progression of the concussion. These details will provide the Athletic Trainer with indications of when an athlete might be ready to start the Return To Play protocol.
The athlete will also be required to take the Impact Concussion Examination test prior to being cleared for practices/games. This is the same online assessment that athletes participating in high-risk sports must take as a baseline prior to the start of a sport’s season.
The Athletic Trainer will monitor the athlete’s progress while watching for evidence of “doctor shopping”, a term used when someone visits multiple physicians to obtain what they believe is a more favorable medical opinion. If the athlete provides a note from a doctor other than the original doctor and if the new doctor’s note contains a diagnosis or recommendations that are different from the original doctor’s diagnosis or recommendations the athlete will be required to follow up with a concussion specialist.
Return to Play Protocol
Each concussion, regardless of the severity, will follow a six phase return to play protocol based on the Zurich Progressive Exertion Protocol. This protocol is designed to increase the athlete’s heart rate and to bring out symptoms of a concussion during physical activity. If symptoms are present, it means that they are not ready to return to play.
Low impact, non-strenuous, light aerobic activity such as walking or riding a stationary bike.
Higher impact, higher exertion, and moderate aerobic activity such as running or jumping rope. No resistance training.
Sport-specific activity, non-contact drills. Low resistance weight training with a spotter.
Sport-specific activity, non-contact drills. Higher resistance weight training with a spotter.
Full contact training drills and intense aerobic activity.
Return to full activities without restrictions.
A student should only move to the next level of activity if they remain symptom free at the current level for a minimum of 24 hours. If any post-concussion symptoms return, the student should wait another 24 hours and then drop back to the previous asymptomatic level of activity. For example, if an athlete experiences symptoms during or after completing Step 4 he will wait until he is symptom-free for 24 hours and then drop back to repeat Step 3.
A more gradual progression should be considered based on individual circumstances and a doctor’s orders and recommendations.
Don Bosco Prep Athletic Training Facility Rules
All athletes receiving treatment must sign in before receiving any treatment - including minor situations such as getting ice or a bandaid.
Athletes will be treated on a first-come-first-serve basis in the following order:
Athletes with a home game
Athletes with an away game
Athletes who do not have a game but only practice
If you make a mess, please clean up after yourself.
No cleats are to be worn in the athletic training room. Please leave them outside the door.
No shoes are to be worn or placed on the taping and treatment tables.
All equipment and personal belongings should be left outside the athletic training room.
Athletes must respect and be courteous to one another as well as the athletic training room staff.
No horseplay in the athletic training room --- this can be dangerous!
No lounging, loitering, or swearing is allowed in the athletic training room.
Please do not take anything from the athletic training room without the permission of the certified athletic trainer.
Athletic tape and pre-wrap are not to be used for sports equipment or personal use (ie: hair).
Students may not go through desks, computers, cabinets, and closets without the permission of the certified athletic trainer.
All equipment (wraps, slings, braces, crutches, etc.) must be returned once they are no longer needed.
Any athlete found not following these rules will be asked to leave.